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Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt (Gelesen: 2.864 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 4

Niedersachsen, Germany
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt
27.07.2015 um 16:47:16

Myself and my wife have received Einbürgerungsürkunde. My wife has no family name and my name on Einbürgerungsürkunde is written as viceversa based on Indian marriage certificate (means family name first and then given name later) which is different here. Therefore when contacted standesamt, they said that they have to start the process of marriage and date of birth verification to prepare a german marriage certificate or change of name or for giving my family name to my wife. For this i have paid the costs to standesamt and they have started the process 2 months ago. When i contacted them today, they informed me that the process will take about 6 months or may be more. I asked them to write an email to german embassy in india to check the status but they are saying that they will not do it.

Now a days, usually the process is about 8 to 12 weeks but 6 months or more is too much. Is there any new rule which i can print and take it to standesamt and show them so that they contact Indian  german embassy and ask for the status.

It is very strange with each standesamt office or einbürgerungs office here in Germany as some of them they do the process quite fast and some of them make it so complex.

I know so many are on the same situation like me. I know i have to wait but is there any chance or way that i can communicate standesamt so that the process goes quicker. Atleast for now it seems like i need to wait almost an year to get my german pass.

Pl. comment.
thank you
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Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich vielleicht später
Staatsangehörigkeit: deutsch
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Antwort #1 - 27.07.2015 um 18:19:38
Why you no speak german?

But anyhow... it is not necessary to register your certificates into german registers just to make the name change after naturalisation. So you could let them do your namechange independent from the process of document validation.
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"Alles Recht in der Welt ist erstritten worden, jeder wichtige Rechtssatz hat erst denen, die sich ihm widersetzten, abgerungen werden müssen, und jedes Recht, sowohl das Recht eines Volkes wie das eines Einzelnen, setzt die stetige Bereitschaft zu seiner Behauptung voraus. Das Recht ist nicht blosser Gedanke, sondern lebendige Kraft." - Rudolph von Jhering in "Der Kampf ums Recht"
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 4

Niedersachsen, Germany
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt
Antwort #2 - 27.07.2015 um 19:33:52
Hallo Aras,

Thank you. I speak German but writing is not that good.

At first, i went to standesamt only to rearrange my name and give my family name to my wife. For that they checked my marriage certificate and said that it is not certified or legalized. They said that they will verify the marriage and date of birth certificate and then they will give an appointment for name change or to give my family name or to prepare a new marriage certificate with which we both can apply for german pass.

Or you mean, i can ask them to change our names means re arranging my name and giving my family name to my wife is possible under the marriage and date of birth verification process?

with the name change Bescheinigung can we apply for german pass or it can only be done by registering the marriage certificate.

Pl. advice.
thank you in advance
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 4

Niedersachsen, Germany
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt
Antwort #3 - 27.07.2015 um 19:37:08
when i first approached standesamt. i took the below rule to explain them i want to go with name arrangement and give family name to my wife.


Fo that they proposed the verification procedure, provided the list of documents after 3 months and when submitted, they again gave appointment after 2 months to pay the money to kick start the process and now when contacted, they are mentioning that the time will be atleast 6 months or more to complete the verification process.
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Junior Top-Member

i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 234

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ehegatte von Ausländer/in
Staatsangehörigkeit: deutsch
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt
Antwort #4 - 28.07.2015 um 15:00:44
The process takes at least 3 months is what they said to us. And it might be the Indian "Vertrauensanwalt", sent by the German embassy, who takes most of the time. In our case it took 5,5 months. Maybe you will have to wait longer, maybe shorter.
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Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich vielleicht später
Staatsangehörigkeit: deutsch
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt
Antwort #5 - 28.07.2015 um 15:02:19
I dont see any necessity for a registration.
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"Alles Recht in der Welt ist erstritten worden, jeder wichtige Rechtssatz hat erst denen, die sich ihm widersetzten, abgerungen werden müssen, und jedes Recht, sowohl das Recht eines Volkes wie das eines Einzelnen, setzt die stetige Bereitschaft zu seiner Behauptung voraus. Das Recht ist nicht blosser Gedanke, sondern lebendige Kraft." - Rudolph von Jhering in "Der Kampf ums Recht"
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

i4a rocks!

Beiträge: 4

Niedersachsen, Germany
Geschlecht: male

Beziehung zum Thema Ausländerrecht: Ich oute mich später
Zeige den Link zu diesem Beitrag Re: Geburtsürkunde,Heiratsürkunde Überprüfung bei Standesamt
Antwort #6 - 28.07.2015 um 15:47:06

thank you. It seems i do not have a choice other than to wait and hope that the Indian appointed detective provides the feedback to German embassy, delhi and then to standesamt, germany. After that they will give an appointment for the name change or to give a family name to my wife. Before that i do not think they will help me in anyway. they said that once it is verified, they will give a bescheinung for the name change and also marriage certificate where it can be clearly written what or how our names should look like and that will be the main document with which we can apply for german pass.

I have seen the list of documents reqd. applying for german pass. Main documents were either einbürgerungsurkunde which we cannot use as our names are not right and marriage certificate (they mean german) as they do not consider Indian Or may be if verified then may be they will consider it but name change besheinigung should be provided, i suppose.

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